Duke Leadership Academy Scholars Profile

Jennifer Ahern-Dodson, Ph.D.

Jennifer Ahern-Dodson, Ph.D.

Title: Assistant Professor of the Practice in Writing Studies and Director of Outreach; and Director of Language Arts and Media Program
Senior Management Area: Trinity College of Arts and Sciences
Class Year: 2015

Research Summary: Writing-to-learn pedagogies, composing with new media, faculty writers, civic engagement and student self-authorship Current Projects: Faculty Write Program. Focuses on faculty-as-writers and aims to reinvigorate commitments to writing and teaching writing at Duke. TWP Director of Duke's Language, Arts and Media Program (LAMP). The program will engage every first-year student in learning a broad range of communications skills for traditional and new media. Areas of Interest: Composition and rhetoric, faculty learning communities, curricular civic engagement Recent Publications: J.S. Ahern-Dodson and D.K. Comer. 2014. Multidisciplinarity and the Tablet: A Study of Writing Practices. Writing Across the Curriculum J.S. Ahern-Dodson. 2013. Enhancing the learning in service-learning composition classes: Fostering critical reflection with students, faculty, and community partners. J.S. Ahern-Dodson. 2013. Composing a life in the academy: Connecting intellectual, personal, and activist commitments. J.S. Ahern-Dodson. 2013. The role of community in working with faculty writers: Response to "The supplementary clerk". Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 2: J.A. Reynolds and J.S. Ahern-Dodson. 2010. Promoting science literacy through Research Service- Learning, an emerging pedagogy with significant benefits for students, faculty, universities, and communities. Journal of College Science Teaching 39.6: 24-29 .