Duke Leadership Academy Scholars Profile

Paula Batton

Paula Batton

Title: Director, Customer and Technology Support
Senior Management Area: Office of Information Technology
Class Year: 2019

Paula Batton is the Customer Support IT Director within the Office of Information Technology focused on enabling the customer using Technology. Paula develops strong trust through relationships of both the IT community and the Academic units across Duke University. Through many customer-focused promotions at Duke, Paula has demonstrated her passion for self-development while working alongside students, faculty, and staff. She has found asking "why" helps move past ways we have always done things and to better understand the real need of the customer. Paula most enjoys being part of a group that provides technical solutions to customers that make their jobs more efficient adding value to or replacing current processes. Beginning at Duke in 2000, as a service desk analyst she has been able to see IT support from many perspectives. Paula's spouse, Phillip, also works at Duke and she has 2 sons. Many evenings are spent taking them between coding and kenpo classes. She also directs a program where she recruits volunteers and motivates volunteers to make a lasting impact in the faith-grounded lives of elementary kids.