Duke Leadership Academy Scholars Profile

Nathan Martinez-Wayman

Nathan Martinez-Wayman

Title: Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
Senior Management Area: Financial Services
Class Year: 2019

As the post-award director for Duke, Nate's team is responsible for obtaining and reporting cash from all external sponsors, issuing payments to Duke's subrecipients, coordinating sponsored effort certification, and ensuring compliance with all sponsors' financial and compliance requirements. Nate joined Duke in 2007, working first in the pre-award part of the sponsored programs lifecycle, then spending some time supporting departmental grants management before coming to the central post-award office. The most rewarding aspect of Nate's current position is the opportunity to work with colleagues to solve seemingly intractable problems, furthering Duke's research and education missions. Nate earned his B.A. in History from Burlington College (VT) and M.S. in Organizational Management from the School for International Training (VT). Having spent a few decades living in different regions across the US, he's happy to have found a home in Durham.