Duke Leadership Academy Scholars Profile

Kevin Smith
Title: Asst Dean of IT & Facilities
Senior Management Area: Nicholas School of Environment
Class Year: 2022
Kevin A. Smith currently serves as the Assistant Dean of IT and Facilities at Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment. He leads a team of five IT analysts on Duke's main campus and two at the Duke University Marine Lab in Beaufort, NC and a building coordinator responsible for the School's Durham campus. Kevin is in his twentieth year at Duke University, previously having served the Fuqua School of Business in many roles over 17 years, most recently at the Director of Technical Support. Kevin has served on Duke's Software Licensing Committee and Tech Expo committee along with IT Council, OIT Extended Staff and ITAC. He is also served on the Board of Directors for the Technology in Business Schools Roundtable. Before coming to Duke, Kevin worked at various technology companies in sales and support roles. He also spent two years teaching English in Japan where he met his wife In-hee. Kevin is a proud veteran of the United States Navy Reserve, where he was called up to serve at Naval Hospital Camp Lejuene during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Kevin currently resides in Pittsboro with his wife In-hee, children Alexander, Lindsay and Nathan and kitten Kongee.